
performances i attended lately; i got there kind of by accident as i havent had an idea about all of it beforehand.
however it proved to be a place where i found my people, new experiences and real powerful art. mainly: shows performed by monika wachowicz AND by chylinska&pastuszak. the first artist had two performances on this weekend. but i'll focus just on the one called Sheol. i was reluctant bc of it having to do with Izraeli culture, but thankfully it rather related with jewish heritage in europe i suppose. potężne oddziaływanie on hearing, smell & sight too - a mind as a whole

what surprised me tho was one strange thing that had happend during last day's reading: there was no trigger warnings before the show and so when a topic of suicide came up, one of the viewers left the room. later on - everyone knew about the drama - one of the organisers apologised to the woman BUT before the last performance there was no warnigns at all still. (there was blood, loud noises, gas leaking etc) in the end i came to the conclusion that monika herself did not like the concept of being aware of viewers sensitivity at all - a conversation we had with her when we first met two days before kind of did point towards this.
&the performance i liked the most would be one by chylinska&pastuszak titled Spore Fantasy. (what's interesting is that in polish «spore» means «quite big»)// there was music that seemed to be played on these mystical, wooden instruments with rods. the lighting really impressed me too and created intriguing yet cosy atmosthere.
pastuszak performed as the dancer, later on chylinska joined her in the shrooms' worship. i LOVED involving the audience into the whole thing as we were watching it gathered around the stage (which was at floor level).