
fun links

>> fun links!!
will update from tiem to time :-DD

novafork streaming - all kinds of movies and series pulled from various mirrors etc (pirate-ish)

gossips web - the directory of handmade webpages

mike's blog - i like the writing

vinter's neocities archived page - lots of interesting inspo

turd's neocities logs - touching, human in nature, real

mire lees's website - beautiful art and website

calendar collective website - neat collection of alternatve calendars

HK Hiking website - an old, web 1.0 website! plenty of educational materials in english too

Frog Find Ribbit - web browser but old! ribbit.

Carter Amelia Davis' YT video - fun, horror-ish video with wires invloved

musictheory.net - a set of lessons about music theory in english! usefull i think

Photopea - kind of web version of photoshop!

Michael Klein's meme gen - lots (!!) of medieval cats hahahhah :33

>> Here i post some of the photos i take nd i've got no idea how they make you or anyone feel really, it's highly probable only i and maybe the ppl that were w/ me on that day have any emotional / sentient connection towards them (tumblr link)